
NI PXI-4224 User Manual G-2 ni.com
ADC Analog-to-digital converter—An electronic device, often an integrated
circuit, that converts an analog voltage to a digital number.
ADE Application development environment.
AI Analog input.
AI CONV CLK Convert signal.
AI HOLD COMPLETE Scan clock signal.
AI PAUSE TRIG Analog input gate signal.
AI SAMP CLK Start scan signal.
bandwidth The range of frequencies present in a signal, or the range of frequencies to
which a measuring device can respond.
bipolar A signal range that includes both positive and negative values (for example,
–5 to +5 V).
breakdown voltage The voltage high enough to cause breakdown of optical isolation,
semiconductors, or dielectric materials. See also working voltage.
bus The group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a
computer. Typically, a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or other
devices are connected. An example of a PC bus is the PCI bus.
CalDAC Calibration DAC.
CH Channel—Pin or wire lead to which you apply or from which you read the
analog or digital signal. Analog signals can be single-ended or differential.
For digital signals, you group channels to form ports. Ports usually consist
of either four or eight digital channels.
channel clock The clock controlling the time interval between individual channel
sampling within a scan.