Chapter 5 Using the NI PXI-4224
© National Instruments Corporation 5-7 NI PXI-4224 User Manual
Using a DAQmx Channel Property Node in LabVIEW
You can use property nodes in LabVIEW to manually configure your
channels. To create a LabVIEW property node, complete the following
1. Launch LabVIEW.
2. You can create the property node in a new VI or in an existing VI.
3. Open the block diagram view.
4. From the Functions toolbox, select All Functions»
NI Measurements»DAQmx - Data Acquisition, and select
DAQmx Channel Property Node.
5. Left-click inside the Property box and select Active Channels. This
allows you to specify exactly what channel(s) you want to configure.
If you want to configure several channels with different properties,
separate the lists of properties with another Active Channels box, and
assign the appropriate channel to each list of properties.
Note If you do not use Active Channels, the properties will be set on all of the channels
in the task.
6. Right-click ActiveChan and select Add Element. Left-click the new
ActiveChan. Navigate through the menus and select the property you
wish to define.
7. You must change the property to read or write to either get the property
or write a new value. Right-click the property, go to Change To, and
select Write, Read, or Default Value.
Continue Sampling For continuous sampling, use a While Loop. If you are using
hardware timing, you also need to set the
DAQmx Timing.vi
sample mode to Continuous Samples. To set the VI, right-click
the terminal of the
DAQmx Timing.vi labeled sample mode
and click Create»Constant. Click the box and select
Continuous Samples.
Stop Measurement DAQmx Stop Task.vi—This VI is optional. Clearing the task
will automatically stop the task.
Clear Task DAQmx Clear Task.vi
Table 5-2. Programming a Task in LabVIEW (Continued)
Flowchart Step VI or Program Step