Chapter 5 Using the NI PXI-4224
© National Instruments Corporation 5-13 NI PXI-4224 User Manual
4. Right-click the NI PXI-4224 and select Self-Calibrate.
5. A dialog box opens indicating that the NI PXI-4224 is self-calibrating.
6. When the dialog box closes, the NI PXI-4224 is successfully
Note The NI PXI-4224 also can be self-calibrated programmatically by using DAQmx
Self Calibrate.vi
in LabVIEW.
The results of an internal calibration are stored in the NI PXI-4224 flash
memory so that the CalDACs are automatically loaded with the newly
calculated calibration constants the next time the NI PXI-4224 is
powered on.
Performing a self-calibration at the operating temperature of your
application will ensure the NI PXI-4224 meets the specifications in
Appendix A, Specifications.
External Calibration
You can download all available external calibration documents by going to
ni.com/calibration and clicking Manual Calibration Procedures.
NI recommends you perform an external calibration once a year.