NI 5401 User Manual G-8 www.natinst.com
SCSI Small Computer System Interface (bus)
sequence list See staging list.
shift-keying frequency shift keying (FSK)
single trigger mode when the arbitrary waveform generator goes through the staging list only
SMB Sub Miniature Type B connector that features a snap coupling for fast
S/s samples per second—used to express the rate at which a DAQ board
samples an analog signal
stage in Arb mode, specifies the buffer to be generated, the number of loops on
that buffer, the marker position for that buffer, and the sample count for the
buffer; for DDS mode, specifies the frequency to be generated of the
waveform in the lookup memory and the time for which that frequency has
to be generated
staging list a buffer that contains linking and looping information for multiple
waveforms; also known as a sequence list or waveform sequence
stepped trigger mode a mode of waveform generation used when you want a trigger to advance
the waveforms specified by the stages in the staging list
SYNC TTL version of the sine waveform output signal generated by the NI 5401
trigger any event that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL transistor-transistor logic
update rate the rate at which a DAC is updated