National Instruments Corporation G-3 NI 5401 User Manual
DC direct current
DC coupled allowing the transmission of both AC and DC signals
DDS direct digital synthesis—a digital technique of frequency generation using
a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), a dedicated lookup memory,
and a DAC
DDS mode a method of waveform generation that uses built-in DDS functionality to
generate very high frequency resolution standard waveforms
DGND digital ground signal
digital word See word.
driver software that controls a specific hardware device
dynamic range the ratio of the largest signal level a circuit can handle to the smallest signal
level it can handle (usually taken to be the noise level), normally expressed
in dB
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory—ROM that can be
erased with an electrical signal and reprogrammed
external trigger a voltage pulse from an external source that triggers an event such as A/D
EXT_TRIG external trigger input signal