National Instruments Corporation A-1 NI 5401 User Manual
This appendix lists the specifications for the NI 5401. These specifications
are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. The operating temperature
range is 0 to 50 °C.
Analog Output
Number of channels ............................... 1
Resolution .............................................. 12 bits
Maximum update rate ............................ 40 MHz
DDS accumulator...................................32 bits
Frequency range
Sine ................................................. 16 MHz, max
SYNC (TTL)................................... 16 MHz, max
Square ............................................. 1 MHz, max
Ramp...............................................1 MHz, max
Triangle........................................... 1 MHz, max
Frequency resolution..............................9.31 mHz
Voltage Output
..................................................... ±5 V into a 50 Ω load
±10 V into a high-impedance load
Accuracy ................................................ ±0.1 dB
Output attenuation..................................0 to 73 dB
Resolution....................................... 0.001 dB steps