
SNA-8-D-027(II) REV 2
Volume II LM Data Book
Subsystem Performance Data-Crew/Equipment
Amendment 128
Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) and Film Canisters Thermal Response
See Table 3.10-2 and appropriate spacecraft appendix.
Quad III Stowase Temperature Predictions
Temperature predictions were made for the LM-IO and LM-II pallet
configurations using the worst hot and cold case vehicle orienta-
tions allowable within the thermal design mission. The mission
timelines used are described in Figure 4.2-6. The temperature
profiles of each pallet are presented in Figures 4.2-2 through
4.2-5. It should be noted that the temperatures indicated are
average temperatures derived from a lumped one-node representation
of each pallet and its equipment. In reality, local equipment
temperatures could vary as much as 15°F from the predicted average
pallet temperature. The only difference between the two networks
used for the calculations is the thermal mass of each pallet.
Temperature responses for LM-12 pallet are expected to be less
severe than those of LM-I1 because of the increased pallet weights
for LM-12.
Temperature predictions for the actual mission profiles are contained
in the individual spacecraft appendices.
LMO 510-1765, LM-IO through LM-12 Quad III Stowage
Temperature Predictions for a two Pallet Flight
Configuration, dated ii January 1971.
4.'2.10 Waste Manasement System
The waste management system consists of a containerized waste
management tank in the descent stage, and urine receptacles and
transfer hoses in the cabin. An analysis has shown worst case
operating temperatures of the cabin items between 45°F and IO0°F,
well within the qualification test temperature range of 35°F to
135°F (see Figure 4.2-7). The containerized waste management tank
has a capacity of 5.0 _allons (40 ibs.) to accommodate urine and
PLSS condensate which are fed through a line from the cabin. The
tank has a primary vent valve which opens at 2.5 psia into a tube,
leading to the outside of the vehicle. A secondary valve opens
at 3.75 psia and empties into the quad IV bay. An analysis shows
worst case operating temperatures without heater use to be 40°F to
120°F, well within qualification test temperatures of 35°F to 160°F
(see Figure 4.2-8). Two 15-watt redundant heater systems are pro-
vided to heat inlet and outlet ports, and are planned for use shortly
before, after, and during container filling.
Contract No. NAS 9-1100
Prlmarv No. 664
Grumman Aerospace Corporation