TABLE 3.4-16
LM-8 Consu--.ble Loadln_ Requirements
I/4-8 APS Propellant
Amendment 91
Fuel (Ib_ Oxidizer _ib_
Propellant Load 2006.7 3218.1
Trapped Outside Tanks 5.9 8.3
Tanked 2000.8 3209.8
Trapped Inside Tanks I0.i 27.6
Nominal Deliverable 1990.7 3182.2
Outase TBD TBD
Total APS Propellant TED
The following table should be used to determine the amount of propellant
to be off-loaded from a full condition Co arrive at the indicated load.
The allowable tolerance for the calculated off-load is +0.5 pounds per
weigh tank.
A. Final tank pressure at overfill (PSIG)
B. Propellant loading temperature ("F)
C. Nominal overfill quantity (Ib) 2072.3
D. Correction for tank pressure (ib)
A Fuel - 0.09 (Item A-40)
Oxidizer = 0.15 (Item A-40)
IE. Correction for loading temperature (ib)
Fuel = -1.16 (Item B-65)
Oxidizer - -2.84 (Item B-65)
2F. Measured density (GM/CC)
2G. Nominal density (GM/CC) 0.8994
H. Delta density (GM/CC) (Item F-G)
31. Correction for measured density
Fuel = 2300 (Item H)
Oxidizer = 2300 (Item H)
J. Propellant in GSE
K. Overfill quantity (C+D+E+I+J)
L. Target loading 2006.7
M. Quantity required to fill RCS manifolds
N. Quantity to be off-loaded (Items K-L-M)
1._,82 l,
ILoadlng temperature correction will always be negative.
2To calculate the nominal density solve the followlng equation where T-
temperature in °C of the measured density (usually 4°C for oxidizer and
25°C for fuel). This equation is valid for 14.7 PSIA. Therefore. the
measured density must also be at 14.7 PSIA.
Nominal fuel density = 0.922904-0.0009377 (*C)
Nominal oxidizer density - 1.491539-0.0022832 (°C)
3Correctlon for measured density may be either positive or negative.
SNA-8-D-027(III)REV 2