Amendment 88
TABLE 3.4-14
Com-lnd Module RCS LoadlnB Parameters end Calculations
Thto Cable wtll be 'comple:ed when loedtnB is 8ccoupllshed. For Mieeion
Planntn|, reference should be made to Section h.2 for nominal load, loadtn i
tolerances, crepped end deliverable propellants.
A. Tank Volume @ 0.0 PSIA (ln 3)
B. Liquid Line Volume (ln 3)
C. Tote1 k + B (In 3)
Tank......_._BTank A TankB
£nltlal Welsht In Bleed Unit
Prlor co LoedinB (lb)
E. Flnal Weight In Bleed Unit
After Loadln8 (lb)
F. Propellent Load (item D less
then E WetBh Tank)
G. Propellant Load by P.V.
H. Loadin8 Temperature (*F)
1. Specification Propel14m[
Loed @ 7OtS"Y (Ib)
J. Total CM/RCS Propellent
Load from Item G above (lb)
K. Haxlmum Trapped Propellant (lb)
L. Nominal Deliverable (lb)
SNA-8-D-O27 (l IX) KEY 2
II II lJ L L E Ii L I: I: I_ E E E H E L, L _ L