Command Line Interface
ip address
This command sets the IP address for the currently selected VLAN interface. Use
the no form to restore the default IP address.
ip address {ip-address netmask | bootp | dhcp} [secondary]
no ip address
• ip-address - IP address
• netmask - Network mask for the associated IP subnet. This mask identifies
the host address bits used for routing to specific subnets.
• bootp - Obtains IP address from BOOTP.
• dhcp - Obtains IP address from DHCP.
• secondary - Specifies a secondary IP address.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (VLAN)
Command Usage
• If this router is directly connected to end node devices (or connected to end
nodes via shared media) that will be assigned to a specific subnet, then you
must create a router interface for each VLAN that will support routing. The
router interface consists of an IP address and subnet mask. This interface
address defines both the network number to which the router interface is
attached and the router’s host number on that network. In other words, a
router interface address defines the network and subnetwork numbers of the
segment that is connected to that interface, and allows you to send IP packets
to or from the router.
• Before you configure any network interfaces on this router, you should first
create a VLAN for each unique user group, or for each network application
and its associated users. Then assign the ports associated with each of these
• You must assign an IP address to this device to gain management access
over the network or to connect the router to existing IP subnets. You can
manually configure a specific IP address, or direct the device to obtain an
address from a BOOTP or DHCP server. Valid IP addresses consist of four
numbers, 0 to 255, separated by periods. Anything outside this format will not
be accepted by the configuration program.
• An interface can have only one primary IP address, but can have many
secondary IP addresses. In other words, you will need to specify secondary
addresses if more than one IP subnet can be accessed via this interface.
• If you select the bootp or dhcp option, IP is enabled but will not function until
a BOOTP or DHCP reply has been received. Requests will be broadcast