SNMP Commands
SNMP notifications, you must enter at least one snmp-server enable traps
command. If you enter the command with no keywords, both authentication
and link-up-down notifications are enabled. If you enter the command with a
keyword, only the notification type related to that keyword is enabled.
•The snmp-server enable traps command is used in conjunction with the
snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to
specify which host or hosts receive SNMP notifications. In order to send
notifications, you must configure at least one snmp-server host command.
• The authentication, link-up, and link-down traps are legacy notifications, and
therefore when used for SNMP Version 3 hosts, they must be enabled in
conjunction with the corresponding entries in the Notify View assigned by the
snmp-server group command (page 4-116).
Related Commands
snmp-server host (4-110)
snmp-server engine-id
This command configures an identification string for the SNMPv3 engine. Use the
no form to restore the default.
snmp-server engine-id {local | remote {ip-address}} engineid-string
no snmp-server engine-id {local | remote {ip-address}}
• local - Specifies the SNMP engine on this switch.
• remote - Specifies an SNMP engine on a remote device.
• ip-address - The Internet address of the remote device.
• engineid-string - String identifying the engine ID.
(Range: 1-26 hexadecimal characters)
Default Setting
A unique engine ID is automatically generated by the switch based on its MAC
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• An SNMP engine is an independent SNMP agent that resides either on this
switch or on a remote deivce. This engine protects against message replay,
delay, and redirection. The engine ID is also used in combination with user
passwords to generate the security keys for authenticating and encrypting
SNMPv3 packets.
Console(config)#snmp-server enable traps link-up-down