Command Line Interface
Telnet Server Commands
ip telnet server
This command allows this device to be monitored or configured from Telnet. It also
specifies the TCP port number used by the Telnet interface. Use the no form without
the “port” keyword to disable this function. Use the no from with the “port” keyword
to use the default port.
ip telnet server [port port-number]
no telnet server [port]
• port - The TCP port number used by the Telnet interface.
• port-number - The TCP port to be used by the browser interface.
(Range: 1-65535)
Default Setting
• Server: Enabled
• Server Port: 23
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Secure Shell Commands
The Berkley-standard includes remote access tools originally designed for Unix
systems. Some of these tools have also been implemented for Microsoft Windows
and other environments. These tools, including commands such as rlogin (remote
login), rsh (remote shell), and rcp (remote copy), are not secure from hostile attacks.
The Secure Shell (SSH) includes server/client applications intended as a secure
replacement for the older Berkley remote access tools. SSH can also provide
remote management access to this switch as a secure replacement for Telnet.
When a client contacts the switch via the SSH protocol, the switch uses a public-key
that the client must match along with a local user name and password for access
authentication. SSH also encrypts all data transfers passing between the switch and
SSH-enabled management station clients, and ensures that data traveling over the
network arrives unaltered.
Table 4-14 Telnet Server Commands
Command Function Mode Page
ip telnet server Allows the switch to be monitored or configured from Telnet; also
specifies the port to be used by the Telnet interface
GC 4-31
Console(config)#ip telnet server
Console(config)#ip telnet port 123