MaxNAS Owner’s Manual
Full format. A Quick format will take just a few minutes but will do less verifying of the drive
than a full format. Click Start. Once the format process is complete your iSCSI volume is ready
to use.
4.2 OS-X >10.4.10 Host Setup
The MaxNAS R8 has been tested and qualified for use with the GlobalSAN initiator from Studio
Network Solutions. It can be obtained from their web site at http://www.studionetworksolutions.
Before you begin please make sure you are logged in with administrative privileges.
If you are unsure about your privilege level, please consult your Macintosh OS-X
user manual or with your system administrator.
4.2.1 Download and install the GlobalSAN initiator. Follow the installation
instructions provided on the website.
4.2.2 Launch the globalSAN iSCSI initiator control from the System Preference
Pane (/Applications/System Preferences.app)
4.2.3 Click (illustrated below). In the IP Address entry box enter the IP address of the
MaxNAS R8 and the iSCSI Qualified Name
(IQN) in the target name field. The IQN is
listed in the MaxNAS R8 iSCSI target page
(see Chapter 3, section 2.2.6 for more
information). Click
to continue.
4.2.4 Select the MaxNAS R8 IQN from
the target list and click
Log On
. The iSCSI
connection screen will appear. If you
enabled CHAP, enter your CHAP username
and password in the CHAP security area
(ss illustrated). Click
to complete
the operation.
4.2.5 Launch the “Disk Utility” application
located under Applications/Utilities folder.
4.2.6 Highlight your new drive and select the “Partition” tab
4-Connecting Users