MaxNAS Owner’s Manual
3-Administering the MaxNAS R8
FTP Use this option to enable or disable the FTP service on your MaxNAS R8. This setting is
disabled by default.
Secure FTP (Explicit) In some FTP environments it is a good idea to enable FTP security. Be sure that your
FTP client also supports Secure FTP connectivity.
Port Use this setting to define a port for your MaxNAS R8 FTP traffic. The default port is 21.
FTP Encode If your FTP client or operating system does not support Unicode (e.g., WinME, MaxOS
9.x or older) it is suggested that you select an encoding method that your OS supports.
Otherwise this setting should remain at UTF-8.
Allow Anonymous
FTP Access:
This option determines security settings for anonymous FTP users. There are three
possible settings:
• Upload/Download: This setting allows anonymous users to upload or download files
to and from public folders.
• Download: This setting only allows anonymous users to download from public folders
• No Access: This setting blocks anonymous FTP traffic entirely.
Auto Rename If checked, this option will automatically rename files that are uploaded with a duplicate
file name. The renaming scheme is [filename].# where “#” corresponds to which iteration
of the file was renamed.
Upload Bandwidth This option allows you to cap maximum upload bandwidth. By default this option is set
to ‘unlimited’
Download Bandwidth This option allows you to cap maximum download bandwidth. By default this option is
set to ‘unlimited’
to complete the operation.
3.3.5 DLNA Media Server
The MaxNAS R8 provides media streaming service to standalone networked home media
adapters that support the UPnP-AV protocol or are Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)
standard compliant. This allows shared digital media such as music, pictures, and movies
with any compatible device throughout your entire home. For more information and a list
of compatible devices please visit www.dlna.org. To enable the media server navigate to
“System Network” -> “Media Server”. Click the “enable” radio button and
. Next, click
the check box beside folder(s) that you’d like to share over your network. The service will
index and share all compatible media files in these shares. The media server will appear to
your compatible DMA (digital media adapter) as “MaxNAS:Macrovision Media Server.”
3.3.6 Web Access Control
The web access control specifies the supported mode of
connection for the web interface including administration,
webdisk functionality, and the photo server. The MaxNAS
can communicate over unsecured (cleartext) http
communication and secured (SSL) https communications,
or both. You may choose the communication options as
well as user definable TCP ports by navigating to “System
Network” -> “HTTP/Webdisk.” Click
to complete
the operation.
3.3.7 UPNP Universal Plug and Play
UPNP allows automatic discovery of the MaxNAS R8 Administration Interface by clients that
support the protocol. With this option enabled, UPNP-enabled users will be able to see the