MaxNAS Owner’s Manual
2.5 UPS Settings
The MaxNAS R8 will monitor and respond to UPS status messages from a compatible attached
UPS (for a list of compatible devices see Appendix D). To use this feature you must first
connect the UPS to the NAS via the serial port on the back of the NAS. Then, on the web
interface you must enable UPS Monitoring and select the make/model of the UPS you are using
from the dropdown boxes (UPS models with an asterisk beside them have been confirmed to
work with the MaxNAS R8). When you are done, click ‘Apply’. The Battery Status and Power
fields will read and display the information about your UPS’ current status.
Below the Battery and Power Status indicators are response controls. The first setting
determines how long the NAS will wait before notifying the NAS administrator of a power
failure. The second option controls how often it will continue to notify the NAS administrator
of a power failure. The third option sets what battery level the NAS will ultimately shut down.
2.6 Wake on LAN
Wake on LAN (WoL) is a networking standard that allows a computer or network storage
appliance such as the MaxNAS R8 to be turned on by a remote host. Waking the MaxNAS
R8 remotely requires special software and knowledge of the target machine’s MAC address.
The MaxNAS R8 will only wake in response to a special network command specific to the Wake on LAN
protocol called “Magic Packet.” For more information on how to generate a magic packet as well as WOL, consult your
operating system documentation or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN
2.7 SNMP Configuration
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol used to monitor and in some
cases manage network computers. The MaxNAS R8 will forward critical error states to an
SNMP monitoring agent. To enable SNMP monitoring support, enter your SNMP community,
administrator, location, and SNMP agent IP and click “Apply”. You may verify a successful
handshake by reviewing your SNMP agent logs- Consult your SNMP monitoring software or
your system administrator for more details.
2.8 Utilities
2.8.1 Administrator Password
This menu is where you would go to change the administrative password. There are separate
passwords for the web interface and the LCD panel.
2.8.2 Configuration Management
This page allows you to back up and restore any NAS system configuration changes you might
have made. To back up your settings, simply click “download” and select a location for the
file. To restore a previously saved settings file click the browse button, locate the settings file
you want to restore and click “Upload.”
2.8.3 Factory Default
To restore your MaxNAS R8 to its factory default
configuration simply click “apply” on the Factory
Default page in the web interface.
WARNING: Resetting to factory default will
erase all data!
3-Administering the MaxNAS R8