
MASTER Sets the overall ‘loudness’ of channel 3.
VOLUME 1: Sets the overall listening level of the amplifier, Crank the Volume up to drive the output tubes harder. Having set
your channel controls to your desired sound try backing off your guitar volume and tone controls for lots of other cool sounds.
Good tube amplifiers have the unique ability to produce a wide range of sounds by using only your guitar controls, playing
weight and style. preamp gain
VOLUME 2 SWITCH: Switches in the alternate master volume 2 level control (23).
VOLUME 2: This can be used to give a volume boost to the amplifier irrespective of which channel is selected the the
preamp. For instance if you are playing a clean passage and want to boost the volume for a solo section, simply set volume 2
higher than volume 1 and when the appropriate time comes just switch from volume 1 to volume 2 via the footswitch.
DAMPING: Damping is the term applied to the interaction of an amplifier in response to its load - in this case the
loudspeaker/s. The higher the damping factor the more the speaker is controlled in its response to an input. To the listener this
is heard as a tighter more defined bottom end response. The damping control lets you experiment with two levels of damping
: It is useful to experiment with the gain and volume controls. If you want a
very open, warm and semi overdriven sound try reducing the amount of drive (15) and increasing the master.
BRIGHT: Adds edge and picking emphasise to you sound. This control has more effect at lower drive (10) settings.
MODERN: The modern switch applies a degree of compression to the signal, providing massive smooth sustain.
XPAND: At high gain and volume settings the natural tendancy for a tube amplifier is to compress, this has the effect of limiting
the dynamic range of the note. The Xpand switch reduces the level of compression and allows more dynamic freedom for the
note should you require it. If you are not playing at high gain and volume settings then the Xpand switch can also be used to get
some interesting effect at low volume levels too. At low levels the Xpand switch functions as a mini gate and some interesting
volume swell type effects are achievable.
BOOST: Switches in an extra tube drive stage for even more gain to play around with for those who just can’t get enough.
If you want a very open, warm and semi overdriven sound try reducing the amount of and
increasing the volume. This reduces pre amp gain but pushes the power amp section and makes it work harder giving you a
very desirable level of power amp distortion which is a very pleasing “retro” style sound.
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