Handling CDs
• DonottouchtherecordingsurfaceoftheCD.
• Donotsticktapeetc.ontheCD,oruseaCDwith
tape stuck on it.
• Donotusedisctypeaccessories.
• Cleanfromthecenterofthediscandmove
• WhenremovingCDsfromthisunit,pullthemout
• IftheCDcenterholeoroutsiderimhasburrs,
use the CD only after removing the burrs with a
ballpoint pen etc.
CDs that cannot be used
• CDsthatarenotroundcannotbeused.
• CDswithcoloringontherecordingsurfaceorCDs
that are dirty cannot be used.
• ThisunitcanonlyplaytheCDswith
This unit may not correctly play discs which do not
have the mark.
• YoucannotplayaCD-RorCD-RWthathasnot
been finalized. (For the finalization process refer to
your CD-R/CD-RW writing software, and your CD-R/
CD-RW recorder instruction manual.)
• 3inchCDcannotbeused.Attempttoinsertusing
an adapter can cause malfunction.