
Step 6: If using a Paging Microphone, GRADUALLY turn the Paging Mic Volume Knob
CLOCKWISE while pressing the Push-To-Talk switch and speaking into the Microphone.
Adjust the level until the voice is clear and intelligible, but before the system feeds back. If the
Push-To-Talk switch is not resulting a reduced music level, and an audible voice signal, turn the
Page Sensitivity Trim Knob CLOCKWISE until the music “Ducks” out of the way of the Page.
Step 7: At this point, with the system set, there should be no need to access the controls with the
exception of the Power Switch, the Volume Knob and the Paging Mic Volume Knob. Affix the
Security Panel using the provided Screws and Standoffs to cover the tuning controls.
Figure 12 – Attaching the Security Panel