The SMS1 System consists of a single Subwoofer for each four Satellites. In a room of 2500-ft
or less,
one subwoofer may be capable of “filling” the room with bass. However, regardless of the subwoofer’s
design, there will be more sound close to the Subwoofer and less sound further away. The best case is to
be able to place the Subwoofer in an area where people will generally not be, and essentially the same
distance away from all the places that people typically will be. Usually, however, this scenario is not easily
found in most real rooms. The best thing to do is to place the Subwoofer in an area that is going to have the
fewest people near it. This may allow for the Subwoofer volume to be up enough that it does produce
useable signal at the furthest point from it.
Another option is to use more than one Subwoofer. If one complete SMS1 System is being used, then
another single SMS1-SUB subwoofer can be added to the system. By using two Subwoofers at opposite
points in the room, a more even distribution of low frequency sound can be achieved.
Subwoofers should generally be placed near large structural surfaces. This helps the Subwoofer, using the
structural surface as a boundary resonator, to achieve higher overall levels. The more surfaces the better.
Placing the Subwoofer against a wall is better than the middle of the room, near a wall and a floor or near a
wall and the ceiling provides more output than being in the middle of the wall, and in the corner of two walls
and a floor or a ceiling results in the most output. Another important aspects for a Subwoofer is that it does
not need to be aimed. Sound leaves from a Subwoofer in a spherical manner. But, do not place the Port of
the Subwoofer up against any surface that would block it. Also, if using two Subwoofers (or more) it is
usually best to place them asymmetrically within the room. This will help eliminate standing waves, which can
cause pockets of high bass volume and pockets of low bass volume throughout the room.
Figure 6A & 6B – Subwoofer Placement in Rectangular Room
Figure 6A – Placement of a Single Subwoofer Figure 6B – Placement of Multiple Subwoofers