With the SMS1-SUB installed, the Control Panel on the side of the SMS1-SUB is still entirely accessible.
The next section of this manual will go through a step by step process to properly setup and tune the SMS1
Step 1: With the Power off, turn the Volume Knob, and Paging Mic Volume Knob down
(COUNTER-CLOCKWISE). With a small Flathead screwdriver turn the Page Sensitivity and
Subwoofer Trim Knobs to the 12:00 Center Position. Turn the Auto Warmth Trim Knob to off
Step 2: Turn the Subwoofer on with the Power Switch, and begin playing the source.
Step 3: If you have a remote wall plate connected to the system, be sure that the Remote Volume
Knob is set to maximum before beginning this step
SLOWLY turn the Volume knob CLOCKWISE until you begin to hear the source. Adjust the
Volume to a comfortable listening level. Press the Input Channel Polarity Switch a few times and
leave it in the position that gives the most bass. Note that the remote wall plate is only an attenuator.
To best use it, adjust the Volume on the Subwoofer Electronic Module to the maximum desired
listening level with the Remote Volume at Maximum. Then, instruct the user to make all volume
adjustments from the Remote Wallplate. This will prevent the user from turning the System Volume
beyond the desired maximum level.
Step 4: With the overall level at a reasonable volume, walk around the room. Listen for the balance
between the Subwoofer and the Satellites. If there is too much low frequency sound, turn the
Subwoofer Trim Knob COUNTER-CLOCKWISE towards “Less Sub.” If more bass is needed,
turn the Subwoofer Trim Knob CLOCKWISE towards “More Sub.” Adjust for a good even
balance. NOTE: It is possible with the Subwoofer Trim Knob to set the Subwoofer too high, such
that the driver distorts or clacks. This can be destructive to the Subwoofer speaker driver. Avoid
setting the Subwoofer this high.
Step 5: With the overall volume at the higher expected listening level, turn the AutoWarmth Trim
Knob CLOCKWISE until the AutoWarmth LED just begins to light. Then, turn the volume back
down to a normal listening level.
The AutoWarmth Circuitry accounts for changes in Volume from the desired listening level. In a system without
such a circuit, turning the volume down makes the system sound thin and lacking in bass. Turning it up makes
the system sound too boomy. This has nothing to do with the equipment being used, but is a function of how
humans hear. AutoWarmth, once set, uses patented-pending circuitry to adjust for more or less bass when the
volume of the system is changed. When it is turned down, or the music is in a soft passage, the bass level is
adjusted so that the system is still full and rich. When the music it is turned up, or if the music is in an exception-
ally loud passage, the bass level is adjusted so that the system does not get too boomy.