
126 CK30 Handheld Computer User’s Manual
standard range laser scanner
parameters, 107
bar, described, 14
beeps, 19
troubleshooting, 97
checking battery, 7
lights, understanding, 18
storing your application on the CK30, 61
support, calling Intermec, x
switch, reset, 103
switching applications, 75
symbologies, bar code
default, 20
supported, 107
System Diagnostics menu, 82
System Main Menu
accessing, 70
changing the password, 77
exiting, 70
removing password, 78
setting a password to protect, 76
system power, information on, 92
Task Manager, using
close an application, 75
manage applications, 74
switch applications, 75
view all applications running, 74
view application properties, 76
network diagram, 42
network, configuring parameters, 41
TE 2000. See terminal emulation
technical support, accessing on web, ix
telephone support, x
temperature, specifications, 106
terminal emulation
keypad, typing hidden characters, 112
keypad options, 8
programmer’s guides, 4
session, problems establishing, 99
terminal message format (TMF), 35
contrast, 85
display, 86
keypad, 88
LEDs, 89
network connection, 89
sound, 93
tethered scanner, attaching, 23
TKIP, using with WPA, 49
TMF field, defined, 37, 38
Trakker Antares application,
converting, 59
transaction header, defined, 36
transaction ID, creating, 35
Transport Layer Security (TLS),
described, 52
bar code symbologies, 102
configuring 802.1x security, 97
guide to finding solutions, 95
input device, 101
operating the CK30, 96
preventive maintenance, 104
scanning bar codes, 100
serial communications, 100
wireless connectivity, 99
typing hidden characters, 111
UDP Plus
icons, defined, 15
network diagram, 43
network, configuring parameters, 43
settings, default, 117
screen icons, 15
status lights, 18
upgrading, operating system, 79
uppercase letters, typing, 13
user-defined lights, 18
I key, 14
battery, 5
Caps Lock, 13
diagnostics, 82
green key, 12
keypad, 8–14
mouse pointer, 16
orange key, 12
screen, 14