
122 CK30 Handheld Computer User’s Manual
default settings, 114–118
saving changes to flash, 54
configuration commands,
bar codes, scanning to configure, 34
sending through the network, 35
troubleshooting, 97
configuration number
finding with Hardware Configuration
Table diagnostic, 86
locating on the configuration label, 2
Configuration Utility
exiting, 33
menu options, described, 32
menu structure, illustrated, 31
navigating within, 32
opening, 30
802.11b/g radio communications, 41
802.1x security, 52
troubleshooting, 97–98
Bluetooth wireless printing, 46
by scanning bar codes, 34
Ethernet communications, 44
example, through the network, 38
parameters, 28
security, 48
serial communications, 39
static WEP security, 53
TCP/IP network parameters, 41
through the network, 35
UDP Plus network parameters, 43
using EasySet configuration labels, 34
using Setup Assistant, 29
using the Configuration Utility, 30
WPA security, 49
contacting Intermec by phone, x
Contrast Test, diagnostic screen, 85
converting a Trakker Antares
application, 59
copy files
to CK30 using ActiveSync, 64
using File Manager, 73
copyright information, xi
CPU Register, reading, 93
customizing how applications load on the
CK30, 66
dcBrowser documentation, 4
default configuration
restoring, 33
settings, 114–118
deleting a file, 72
developing applications
using the .NET SDK, 59
using the SDK, 58
web-based, 59
device IP address, viewing, 90
DHCP server IP address, viewing, 90
Battery Information, 83
Bluetooth Console, 84
Bootcode Version, 85
Contrast Test, 85
Display Test, 86
Hardware Configuration Table, 86
Installed Fonts, 87
IVA Versions, 88
Keypad Test, 88
LED Test, 89
Memory Information, 89
Net Connect Test, 89
Net Interface Information, 90
Operating System Version, 91
Ping Utility, 91
PSC Utility, 92
Radio SSI Utility, 92
Read CPU Registers, 93
Sound Test, 93
using, 82
diagram, Configuration Utility, 31
dimensions, physical, 106
disabling security, 54
Display Test, diagnostics screen, 86
dock, communications
AD1, described, 110
AD2, described, 110