
CK30 Handheld Computer User’s Manual 121
AutoRun.dat file
sample file, 67
writing commands, 66
AutoRun.exe, 66
AV1 vehicle cradle, described, 111
Avalanche, using to remotely manage the
CK30, 66
backing up files, to Persistent Copy
folder, 78
backup battery, power percentage
remaining, 83
bar codes
scanning, 20
to configure the CK30, 34
troubleshooting, 100
supported symbologies, 107
symbologies, default, 20
AB1 accessory, 109
charger, AC1 accessory, 109
charging times, 6
checking status, 7
information, diagnostics screen, 83
installing, 6
maximizing life, 7
status icons, 7
using, 5
beeper volume, changing, 19
testing, 93
understanding, 19
belt clip, AL3 swiveling, accessory, 110
commands, described, 47
Console, diagnostics tool, 84
wireless printing, configuring, 46
boot, protective, AG2, 110
Bootcode Version, diagnostic screen, 85
CK30, 102
cold, 103
warm, 103
CAB file, using to install applications, 60
cables, supported scanner, 23
capitalizing characters, 13
Caps Lock, using, 13
card, SD
inserting or removing, 25
to install applications, 65
to store applications, 61
to upgrade operating system, 79
certificates, loading for security, 48
changing your password, 77
characters not printed on keypad,
typing, 111
charging dock, 4-bay battery, 109
charging times, battery, 6
CK_FFS folder, using to store
applications, 61
Command Reference Manual,
described, x
default configuration settings, 114–118
description, 2
model features, 3
troubleshooting, guide to, 95
scanner window, 104
screen, 104
click and drag, with mouse pointer, 17
closing an application, 75
cold boot, 103
preserving files through, 78
saving configuration changes
through, 54
color-coded keys, using, 12
Command Line, using to run an
application, 72
Command Reference Manual, CK30,
described, x
communications dock
AD1 accessory, 110
AD2 accessory, 110
802.11b/g radio, configuring, 41
Bluetooth radio, configuring, 46
configuration options, 28
default configuration settings, 117
serial, configuring, 39