
2 - 7
Fig. 2-7 shows the block diagram of evacuating system.
Fig. 2-7 Evacuating System
IP–1, –2, –3 : Ion pumps
TMP : Turbo-molecular pump
RP : Rotary pump
BT : Buffer tank
Keeps back pressure of TMP while RP is evacuating
specimen exchange chamber.
GV : Gate valve to isolate specimen chamber and exchange chamber
MV1 to MV3 : Manual valves to evacuate gun and intermediate chambers
V1 : Valve for gun and specimen chamber isolation
V2,V3 : Vacuum valve
PiG–1 : Pirani gauges to measure vacuum of specimen chamber
PiG–2 : Pirani gauges to measure vacuum of specimen exchange chamber
Pe : Penning gauge to measure vacuum of specimen chamber
LV : Leak valve to introduce air into specimen exchange chamber
RP leak valve : Leak valve to introduce air into rotary pump