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3.1.4 Use of Anti-Contamination Trap
For image observation at high magnifications or low accelerating voltages, the use of the Anti-
contamination trap is recommended to prevent specimen contamination by hydrocarbon build-up.
The traps need to be filled with liquid nitrogen.
The Anti-contamination trap is a plate above the specimen that adsorbs
gas around the specimen. The capacity of the liquid nitrogen dewar is
about 0.9 liters and is usable for about 5 hours at an ambient
temperature of 24°C. For initial filling, about 1.3 liters of liquid nitrogen is
Before using liquid nitrogen, be sure to put on leather gloves and eye guard glasses. If liquid
nitrogen splashes on your skin, you may suffer frostbite. In addition, the room should be
ventilated to prevent oxygen depletion.
Never introduce air into the specimen chamber while the anti-contamination trap is filled with
liquid nitrogen. The anti-contamination trap will frost up and the vacuum will deteriorate.
Before introducing air into the specimen chamber, wait for a few hours after the liquid
nitrogen dewer has completely emptied. The air introduction valve does not have a protection
link with the cold trap.
Injection funnel
Dewar vessel