4. Specimen Stage
Motion Model S-4800, Type I Model S-4800, Type II
X Traverse 0 to 50 mm (continuous) 0 to 110 mm (continuous)
Y Traverse 0 to 50 mm (continuous) 0 to 110 mm (continuous)
Z Traverse 1.5 to 30.0 mm (continuous) 1.5 to 40.0 mm (continuous)
-5° to +70° -5° to +70°
360° (continuous) 360° (continuous)
Specimen size Max. 100 mm (diameter)
(airlock type specimen exchange)
Max. 150 mm (diameter)
(airlock type specimen exchange)
5. Display Unit
(1) Display type .........................................Flicker- free image on PC monitor
(full scanning speeds)
(2) Viewing monitor ...................................Type 18.1 LCD (Type 21 Color CRT: Option)
(1280 × 1024 pixels)
(3) Photo CRT (Option).............................Ultra-high resolution type
(effective field of view 120 × 90 mm)
(4) Scanning modes..................................Normal scan,
Reduced area scan,
Line scan,
Spot analysis,
Average concentration analysis,
Split/Dual magnification,
(5) Scanning speeds .................................TV (640 480 pixels display : 25 / 30 flames/s)
Fast (Full screen display : 25 / 30 flames/s)
Slow (Full screen display :
1/0.9, 4/3.3, 20/16, 40/32, 80/64 s/flame)
(640 480 pixels display :
0.5/0.4, 2/1.7, 10/8, 20/16, 40/32 s/flame)
For Photograph (2560 1920 pixels display :
40/32, 80/64, 160/128, 320/256 s/flame)
Value of (50 Hz)/(60 Hz)
TV : NTSC or PAL signal