
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
22.2 Sense Data Description
22.2.1 Valid (Bit 7 of byte 0)
0 The Information Bytes (byte 3 through 6) are not defined.
1 The Information Bytes (byte 3 through 6) contain a valid logical block address.
22.2.2 Error Code (Bit 6 - 0 of byte 0)
70h Current Error. This indicates an error for the current command.
71h Deferred Error. This indicates that the error is for a previous command that has already returned a good sta-
tus. Such commands are associated with the immediate bit or write caching. Format unit (04h) command is
an example of a command that may return a deferred error.
22.2.3 ILI: Incorrect Length Indicator (Bit 5 of byte 2)
The ILI bit is valid for the Read Long (3Eh) command and Write Long (3Fh) command only. ILI set to one and Valid Bit set to
one indicates that the requested logical block length does not match the logical block length of the data on the medium for a
Read Long or Write Long command. The Information field contains residue information about the error. ILI set to zero indi-
cates there is no incorrect length condition.
0 No Incorrect Length condition.
1 Incorrect Length Indicated.
Valid ILI
Command = Read Long or Write
x 0 x No incorrect length condition
1 1 yes Requested Logical block Length does not
match the logical block length of the data
on the disk