Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Table 77: Topology Discovery Unit Type
The drive returns a value of 9h in this field.
The Physical Port Number specifies the port that received the RNID REQ. Valid values are 00h if the RNID was received on
port A and 01h if the RNID was received on port B.
The Number of Attached Nodes field specifies the number of nodes attached to the node returning the RNID ACC. Since the
drive does not perform any topology discovery, it sets this field to 0h.
The IP Version field specifies the level of IP supported. Since the drive does not support the IP protocol, it sets this field to 0h.
The UDP Port field specifies the numerical value that identifies a port using the User Datagram Protocol. Since the drive does
not support UDP, it sets this field to 0h.
The IP Address specifies the IP address of the node. Since the drive does not support IP, this field is set to 0h.
The Topology Discovery Flags (TDF) are defined in Table 78: “Topology Discovery Flags” .
Value - hex Type
’00 00 00 00’ Reserved
’00 00 00 01’ Unknown
’00 00 00 02’ Other (none of the following)
’00 00 00 03’ Hub
’00 00 00 04’ Switch
’00 00 00 05’ Gateway
’00 00 00 06’ Converter
’00 00 00 07’ HBA
’00 00 00 08’ Proxy-agent
’00 00 00 09’ Storage device (disk, CD, tape, etc.)
’00 00 00 0A’ Host
’00 00 00 0B’ Storage subsystem (raid, library, etc.)
’00 00 00 0C’ Module (subcomponent of a system)
’00 00 00 0D’ Software driver
’00 00 00 0E’ -