190-01255-00 Rev. B
Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
The system WAAS GPS allows for flying LNAV, LNAV/VNAV, and LPV approaches according to the published
chart. LNAV+V is a standard LNAV approach with advisory vertical guidance provided for assistance in
maintaining a constant vertical glidepath similar to an ILS glideslope on approach. This guidance is displayed
on the PFD in the same location as the ILS glideslope using a magenta diamond. In all cases where LNAV+V is
indicated by the system during an approach, LNAV minima are used. The active approach type is annunciated
on the HSI as shown in the following table:
HSI Annunciation Description Example on HSI
LNAV GPS approach using published LNAV minima
Approach Type
LNAV+V GPS approach using published LNAV minima.
Advisory vertical guidance is provided
L/VNAV GPS approach using published LNAV/VNAV
LPV GPS approach using published LPV minima
Table 5-9 Approach Types
Loading an approach into the active flight plan using the PROC Key:
1) Press the PROC Key. The Procedures Window is displayed.
2) Highlight ‘SELECT APPROACH’, and press the ENT Key. The Approach Loading Page is displayed.
3) Use the FMS Knob to select an airport and press the ENT Key.
4) Select an approach from the list and press the ENT Key.
5) Select a transition (if required) and press the ENT Key.
6) Barometric Minimums
a) To set ‘MINIMUMS’, turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘BARO’, and press the ENT Key. Turn the small FMS
Knob to select the altitude, and press the ENT Key.
b) To skip setting minimums, press the ENT Key.
7) Press the ENT Key with ‘LOAD?’ highlighted to load the approach procedure; or turn the large FMS Knob to
highlight ‘ACTIVATE’ and press the ENT Key to load and activate the approach procedure.
NOTE: When GPS is not approved for the selected final approach course, the message ‘NOT APPROVED
FOR GPS’ is displayed. GPS provides guidance to the approach, but the HSI must to be switched to a NAV
receiver to fly the final course of the approach.