
2. The date in which update 1 was issued. Display and Approved dates have to be
set to correct date in order to see the chart with update 1.
3. The date in which update 2 was issued. Display and Approved dates have to be
set to correct date in order to see the chart with update 1 and update 2.
4. The date in which update 3 was issued. Display and Approve dates have to be set
to correct date in order to see the chart with update 1, update 2 and update 3.
Note 1: In order to display charts with correct updated situation, always use current
date during your voyage. If your voyage lasts more than one week, set current date at
least once per week during your voyage.
Note 2: In order to display charts with correct updated situation during route planning,
always use planned date of each waypoint to check your plan.