16. Recording Functions
16.3.4 Recording positions
The operator may manually save positions to the voyage log in various ways. These are:
• Direct sensor position
• Positions calculated by the system (in example below such are Kalman filter and Dead reckoning)
• User observations. (Visual, astronomical and MFDF. MFDF is Medium Frequency Direction Finder.)
An example of saving direct position or position calculated by the system
An example of saving position based on user observation
First you should locate the position of your observation on the display. Use, for example, the two separate EBL and
VRM available in the Nav Marks dialog box. Open the Sensors dialog box then click the Record tab. Choose
appropriate method from the Position source list box. Put the cursor on the desired location on the chart radar
display then press the left button. The latitude/longitude position of the cursor is then copied to the Lat and Lon
fields. If you are satisfied, then click the Record button to save the position observation into the voyage log. If you
wish you can also enter Lat and Lon values manually.