15. Navigation Sensors
The system generates the alert "407 Position discrepancy" if there is discrepancy in position. Together with this
alert, the system shows the text "Discrepancy" in red in the Position page for a position sensor that has position
discrepancy active.
Enable: Check to align chart, using the "drag and drop" feature.
Chart alignment: Alignment is automatically chosen if the user has defined position offset by using the chart align
feature. The offset values are given in nautical miles and degrees. If position alignment is used, the user is reminded
of it every 30 minutes by the alert "411 ChartAlign: over 30 min".
Dead rec: The system automatically chooses dead reckoning if there are no valid and chosen position sources and if
there are valid and chosen speed and course sources. If the system has chosen dead reckoning, then the user can
enter a new position for the ship in the Lat and Lon fields.
Kalman filter: The Kalman filter calculates estimated position using all valid and chosen position, speed and course
sensors. Choose On to activate this feature.
Others page
Set and Drift: See description below.
Wind: Wind (True or North) speed (kn or m/s) and
direction are displayed. Note that true wind is wind
relative to own ship heading. For further details, see
section 15.8 Wind Sensor.
Depth below trans: Depth from hull at bow and aft to
bottom. A depth alert value may be entered to alert you
Temperature: Water surface temperature.
Water current: Tide at current position.
AIS targets: Status of AIS data.
Set and drift: Check the Manual box to manually set
speed and course of drift.
Note that you can choose manual drift only if there are
no automatic sources for SOG and COG. In other
words, you have neither a dual-axis log nor any position
receiver available.
Angle = Difference between heading and COG
Drift = Speed component of the drift vector
Set = Course component of the drift vector
Vector defined by (SOG and COG) is equal to
vector sum of vectors defined by (SPD and HDG)
and (set and drift).