12. User Chart Control
12.1 Introduction
User charts are simple overlay charts that the user makes for his or her own purposes. They can be displayed on both
the radar display and the electronic chart. These charts are intended for highlighting safety-related items like
position of important navigation marks, safe area for the ship, etc. User charts areas can be used to activate alerts
and indications based on user-defined danger symbols, lines and areas. When route or own ship estimated position is
going to cross a user chart symbol, line or area that is defined as a dangerous one, an alert or indication is generated
by the system. For further details about chart alerts, see Chapter 9 Chart Alerts.
A user chart consists of points, lines and letter/number, symbols, etc. Size of user chart is limited to have the max.
number of items below:
• 200 Points
• 2000 Lines
• 1000 Symbols (alphanumerics)
• 50 Areas; an area can have 20 corner points.
The user chart is displayed on the radar display and its position and shape is based on the ship’s actual position.
When own ship is moving in the area covered by the user chart, the elements of the user chart are superimposed on
the radar, with max. 80 nearest elements displayed. The user charts can also be shown on the chart radar display. In
this way the radar display can be kept as "clean" as possible for radar target detection.
12.1.1 Objects of user charts
Below is a description of the objects used in a user chart.
• Line: You can define four different types of lines. Lines can be used in chart alert calculation and/or display on
the radar:
• Navigation lines: Displayed on both displays (radar + chart radar). Navigation lines are reference lines for
coast line.
• Coast line: Displayed on the chart radar display only. Coastal line is usually a well-defined (by chart
digitizer) multi-segment line showing the coastline. The user is able to create this type of line in case there
is no suitable chart available over desired area in S57 format.
• Depth contour: Displayed on the chart radar display only. Depth line shows the chosen depth levels. The
user is able to create this type of line in case there is no suitable chart available over desired area in or S57
• Route line: Displayed on both radar and chart radar. Route lines are zones for anchoring, traffic separation
lines, etc.
• Area: User can define closed areas, which the system can use to detect safe water areas. If route or estimated
ship position is going to cross the area, the system generates a warning to the user. These areas can be used to
specify safe areas as defined by the master or by the policy of the ship's owner. They are always available
regardless of the type of chart material used.
• Symbols: User-selectable symbols can be displayed on both chart radar and ECDIS display or on the chart
radar display only. Symbols are used to indicate buoys, light houses, fixed targets, wrecks, etc. Symbols can be
used in chart alert calculation.
• Tidals: Displayed on the chart radar display only. Tidals can be used to make own notes about tides at user-
defined points.
• Points: It doesn't itself have any symbol on the radar screen, but it is a very important element of a user chart
For further details, see section 12.2 What is a User Chart Point and how is it Used?.