• Circle: The operator can define an area with a circle, which can define a location to
avoid. If route or estimated ship position is going to cross the area, the system gen-
erates a warning to the user. These areas can be used to specify safe areas as de-
fined by the master or by the policy of the ship's owner. They are always available
regardless of the type of chart material used.
• Labels: There are two types of labels: point and label. A "point" (i) is mainly used
to denote position of objects, such as buoys, light houses, fixed targets, wrecks, etc.
Points can be used in chart alert calculation. A "label" provides user-entered text to
show on the display.
13.2 How to Create a User Chart
You can create and modify a user chart in the Voyage planning mode.
To make a complete user chart, do the following:
1. Click the [PLAN] button on the Status bar to go to the Voyage planning mode.
2. Click the [Planning] and [User Chart] buttons on the InstantAccess bar to show the
user chart palette and the [User Chart] dialog box.
3. Click the [New] button on the [User Chart] dialog box to create a new chart.
4. Click the desired object (button) on the palette.The [Tidal], [Line], [Clearing line]
and [Label] buttons have multiple choices. Right-click the respective button to
show a context sensitive menu. The choices available for each object are shown
Tidal: Current, Predicted
Line: Coast, Nav, Route, Depth
Clearing line: NMT (Not More Than), NLT (Not Less Than)
Label: Point, Label
5. Put the cursor on the location to insert the object then push the left button. See
the figure below for how to construct lines, areas and circles. For the “Tidal” object,