2.36 Echo Color
The default echo color is green. Echo color is also available in the following colors:
B type: Yellow, green, white, amber, and “color”. “Color” displays echoes in red, yel-
low or green corresponding to the signal levels of strong, medium and weak.
IMO and A types: Yellow, green and white.
To select the echo color, open the [1 ECHO] menu then select desired color from [3
ECHO COLOR] (B type) or [2 ECHO COLOR] (IMO and A types)
2.37 Chart Radar Functions
2.37.1 How to switch between radar and chart radar modes
Click the [CHART ON/OFF] button on the InstantAccess bar to show or hide the chart.
Indication on button and corresponding mode
Chart ON: Chart radar mode active. (Chart and radar picture are displayed.)
Chart OFF: Radar mode active. (Only the radar picture is displayed.)
When the GPS position is lost, the chart radar mode cannot be used. When this oc-
curs, the label on the button shows [Chart OFF] and the button is greyed out.