7. Put the cursor on the location where to insert the symbol then left click. The [Man-
ual Update] dialog box shows:
- Object
- Drawing type
- Display until date
8. You can add a comment related to a manual update object in the [Description]
9. To add textual information to an attribute, select the attribute from the [Attributes]
window then add text in the [Edit Attribute’s Value] window.
10. Click the [Commit] button to add all selected objects to the chart.
7.13.2 How to delete update symbols
Manually entered update symbols cannot be deleted until the “Display Until” date ar-
rives or is changed. However, you can mark the symbol to indicate that it can be ig-
1. Put the cursor on the symbol then right-click to show the context-sensitive menu.
2. Select [Manual Update] and [Delete].
Note: A symbol can also be deleted from the [Manual Update] dialog box. Follow
steps 1 and 2 in section 7.13.1, click the [List] tab, select the symbol to delete then
click the [Delete] button.