2.22.3 Trail time
Trail time, the trail plotting interval, can be selected with the scrollwheel, left button or
right button.
The trail timer counts up the trail time and is erased once the terminal count is
reached. For example, if the trail time is six minutes, the timer is erased when trails
have been plotted six minutes. The maximum time of count up for continuous plotting
is 29:59.
Caution: The correctness of the target trails is uncertain until the trail timer count does
not reach the trail time.
How to select a trail time
Four controls are available to select a trail time.
• Control Unit: Push the TRAIL key.
• Trackball module: Put the cursor on the Trail time indication at the bottom-right po-
sition then operate the control (left button or scrollwheel). For the right button, a con-
text-sensitive menu appears. Click the desired time.
The times available depend on the control used as shown in the table below.
2.22.4 How to reset target trails
All trails can be erased (including those in the memory) and restarted to start trails
Control Unit: Press and hold down the TRAIL key until trails disappear.
Context-sensitive menu: Right-click the Trail box to show the context-sensitive
menu then select [Trail All Clear].
2.22.5 How to temporarily remove all target trails from the display
You can temporarily remove all trails from the display. Trails are removed but are con-
tinued internally.
Control Unit: Press the TRAIL key to show [OFF] in the trail time indication.
Trackball module: Click the trail time indication to display [OFF].
2.22.6 Trail stabilization in true motion
True motion trails can be ground stabilized or sea stabilized. The [Trail time] indication
shows current stabilization as [True-G] or [True-S]. To change the stabilization mode,
open the [SPEED] menu and set [SHIP SPEED] to [BT] (ground stabilization) or [WT]
(sea stabilization).
Control Available setting
Left button, right button,
OFF, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 3 min, 6 min, 15 min, 30 min,
Scrollwheel OFF, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1-30 min (30 sec intervals), CONT(inu-