7.12 How to Display Install/Update History
You can see a history of chart installations and updates. On the InstantAccess bar,
click the [Record] and [Chart Log] buttons followed by the [ENC] or [C-MAP] button.
The example below shows the install/update history for ENC charts.
You can filter the log with [Period Covered (UTC)]. Enter the period to display then
click the [Set Period] button. Click the [Clear Period] button to display all entries. The
[Refresh] button updates the list. [Print Text] prints hard copy of the history.
The [Find] button searches required text string as follows:
1. Click the [Find] button to show the [Find text] box.
2. Click the input box then enter the text to search.
3. Select the search direction with the [up] or [down] radio button.
4. Click the [Find] button. The first matching text is highlighted in yellow at the top of
the screen.
5. To continue the search click the [Find] button. To cancel the search, click the
[Cancel] button.
Input box
Enter text in box and
[Find] button appears.