9.5 Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)
The Admiralty Information Overlay includes all Admiralty Temporary and Preliminary
Notices to Mariners (T&P NMs) and provides additional navigationally significant in-
formation from UKHO's ENC validation programme. The AIO is displayed as a single
layer on top of the basic ENC and is available free of charge as part of the Admiralty
S57 Chart Service and within Admiralty Value Added Resellers' services.
The AIO has been developed to ensure mariners can simply view the information they
need - in addition to the standard chart - to navigate safely and compliantly. By clearly
showing where important Temporary or Preliminary changes may impact a voyage,
the Admiralty Information Overlay will give seafarers the same consistent picture of
the maritime environment on their charts as they have always had.
The AIO license is free of charge for AVCS license holders.
9.5.1 Installation
Installation is the same as that for the ENC chart. See section 7.2.
9.5.2 How to display the AIO
Click the [DISP], [AIO] and [ALL] buttons to show the AIO. To hide the AIO, click the
[DISP], [AIO] and [OFF] buttons.
The area(s) that contain temporary or preliminary changes are marked with a hatched
red rectangle.