show ip irdp {slot/port | all}
<slot/port> - Show router discovery information for the specified interface.
<all> - Show router discovery information for all interfaces.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec, User Exec
Display Message
Ad Mode Displays the advertise mode which indicates whether router discovery is enabled or disabled on
this interface.
Advertise Address: Addresses to be used to advertise the router for the interface.
Max Int Displays the maximum advertise interval which is the maximum time allowed
between sending router advertisements from the interface in seconds.
Min Int Displays the minimum advertise interval which is the minimum time allowed
between sending router advertisements from the interface in seconds.
Hold Time Displays advertise holdtime which is the value of the holdtime field of the router advertisement
sent from the interface in seconds.
Preferences Displays the preference of the address as a default router address, relative to other router
addresses on the same subnet.
6.7.2 ip irdp
This command enables Router Discovery on an interface.
ip irdp
no ip irdp
<no> - Disable Router Discovery on an interface.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config