
---------- -------------------------------- -------------- ------- -----------
Total: 5 files.
Note whether there is one file with the file type “Operation Code” or two (as in the example
above). If there are two “Operation Code” files, you must first delete the oldest image file
using the following command sequence (inserting the file name of the oldest operation code
file in place of the example below):
(FortiSwitch-100_238) #delete lb4w-r-1.04.0221.img
Are you sure you want to delete? (y/n) y
Image File "lb4w-r-1.04.0221.img" Deleted!
(FortiSwitch-100_238) #dir
date file name file type startup size (byte)
---------- -------------------------------- -------------- ------- -----------
2007/05/14 b4b-b-0.2.0514.biz Boot-Rom image Y 127648
2007/11/20 default.cfg Config File N 28701
2008/04/03 lb4w-r-1.04.0403.img Operation Code Y 8034434
2008/05/20 test.2 Config File Y 29154
---------- -------------------------------- -------------- ------- -----------
2. Configure an IP address on "interface vlan 1" (if not already configured):
The FortiSwitch-100 must have an IP address in order to communicate with the TFTP server.
If one has already been successfully configured on the switch, skip to step 3.
You can give the switch a static IP address manually, or configure a DHCP server to provide
an IP address dynamically.
To configure a dynamic IP address using DHCP:
Type the commands shown below to configure the FortiSwitch to acquire an IP address from
your DHCP server:
(FortiSwitch-100_238) #config
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (Config)#interface vlan 1
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (if-vlan 1)#ip address protocol dhcp
Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)y
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (if-vlan 1)#exit
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (Config)#exit
To manually configure a static IP address:
If you are not using DHCP to automatically assign an IP address to the FortiSwitch, follow the
steps below to configure a static IP address on the switch, substituting the appropriate IP
address for the example shown. If you do not know what IP address to assign to the switch,
contact your IT department.
(FortiSwitch-100_238) #config
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (Config)#interface vlan 1
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (if-vlan 1)#ip address protocol none
Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)y
(FortiSwitch-100_238) (if-vlan 1)#ip address