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Selection Criteria
Slot/Port - Specifies all CoS configurable interfaces. The option "Global" represents the most recent
global configuration settings. These may be overridden on a per-interface basis.
Interface Trust Mode - Specifies whether or not to trust a particular packet marking at ingress.
Interface Trust Mode can only be one of the following:
• untrusted
• trust dot1p
• trust ip-dscp
Default value is trust dot1p.
Non-Configurable Data
Untrusted Traffic Class - Displays traffic class (i.e. queue) to which all traffic is directed when in
'untrusted' mode. Valid Range is (0 to 7).
Non-IP Traffic Class - Displays traffic class (i.e. queue) to which all non-IP traffic is directed when in
'trust ip-precedence' or 'trust ip-dscp' mode. Valid Range is (0 to 7).
Current 802.1p Priority Mapping - Displays the current 802.1p priority mapping configuration.
Command Buttons
Submit - Send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.
Restore Defaults - Restores default settings. Managing DSCP Mapping Configuration Page