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Neighbor Router ID - The neighbor portion of the virtual link identification. Virtual links may be
configured between any pair of area border routers having interfaces to a common (non-backbone)
Hello Interval - The OSPFv3 hello interval for the virtual link in units of seconds.
Dead Interval - The OSPFv3 dead interval for the virtual link in units of seconds. This determiness
how long a router will wait to see a neighbor router's Hello packets before declaring that the router is
Retransmit Interval - The OSPFv3 retransmit interval for the virtual link in units of seconds. This
specifies the time between link-state advertisements for adjacencies belonging to this router
interface. This value is also used when retransmitting database descriptions and link-state request
Iftransit Delay Interval - The OSPFv3 Transit Delay for the virtual link in units of seconds. It specifies
the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the switch. Configuring OSPFv3 Route Redistribution Configuration Page
This screen can be used to configure the OSPFv3 Route Redistribution parameters. The allowable range
for each field is displayed next to it. If an invalid value is entered in one or multiple fields, an alert message
will be displayed with the list of all the valid values.
Configurable Data
Configured Source - This dynamic select list is populated by only those Source Protocols that have
already been configured for redistribution by OSPFv3. However, the topmost option in the select box
is "Create", and this allows the user to configure another, among the Available Source Protocols. The
valid values are 'Static' and 'Connected'. An additional 'Create' option is also available.
Available Source - This dynamic select list is populated by only those Source Protocols that have not
previously been configured for redistribution by OSPFv3. This select box would appear only if the
user selects "Create" option as Configured Source. The valid values are 'Static' or 'Connected'.
Metric- Sets the metric value to be used as the metric of redistributed routes. This field displays the
metric if the source was pre-configured and can be modified. The valid values are (0 to 16777214)