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Configurable Data
Aging Interval(secs) - The forwarding database contains static entries, which are never aged out,
and dynamically learned entries, which are removed if they are not updated within a given time. You
specify that time by entering a value for the Address Ageing Timeout. You may enter any number of
seconds between 10 and 1000000. IEEE 802.1D recommends a default of 300 seconds, which is the
factory default.
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the switch with the values on the screen. If you want the switch to retain the new
values across a power cycle you must perform a save. Viewing Forwarding Database Page
Use this panel to display information about entries in the forwarding database. These entries are used by
the transparent bridging function to determine how to forward a received frame.
Selection Criteria
Filter - Specify the entries you want displayed.
Learned: If you choose "learned" only MAC addresses that have been learned will be displayed.
All: If you choose "all" the whole table will be displayed.
Configurable Data
MAC Address Search - You may also search for an individual MAC address. Enter the two byte
hexadecimal VLAN ID followed by the six byte hexadecimal MAC address in two-digit groups
separated by colons, for example 01:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF where 01:23 is the VLAN ID and
45:67:89:AB:CD:EF is the MAC address. Then click on the search button. If the address exists, that
entry will be displayed as the first entry followed by the remaining (greater) MAC addresses. An exact
match is required.
Non-Configurable Data
MAC Address - A unicast MAC address for which the switch has forwarding and/or filtering
information. The format is a two byte hexadecimal VLAN ID number followed by a six byte MAC
address with each byte separated by colons. For example: 01:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF, where 01:23 is
the VLAN ID and 45:67:89:AB:CD:EF is the MAC address.
Source Slot/Port - the port where this address was learned -- that is, the port through which the MAC
address can be reached.