Page 69 © 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Access to changing security levels can be left open, or be protected by a password.
Security Levels
The security levels are structured to support typical operating environments as follows:
None This level is intended for use only by the system manager and/or
calibration facility. It allows access and editing in all areas including
critical metrological information.
Low Low security is designed to protect the specific metrological
functions of the system against accidental alteration. It is intended for
an advanced operator performing many different tasks. Low security
is the default user level setting.
Medium Medium security is designed to protect specific metrological
information in the system and to assure that the RPM4 is operated
using consistent operational parameters.
High High security is designed to protect all operating parameters. It is
intended to minimize operator choices, for example to perform
repeated identical calibrations under consistent conditions.
RPM4 is delivered with the security level set at low to avoid inadvertent
altering of critical internal settings but with access to changing security
levels unrestricted. It is recommended that the low security level be
maintained at all times. If there is a risk of unauthorized changing of the
security level, changing authority should be password protected
(see OPERATION of this section).
The security levels are structured to support typical levels of operation as shown
in Table 8. Specifically, the security levels prevent execution of the functions
accessed by the key strokes marked by “•”: