Page 33 © 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
3.3.5 [LEAK CK]
To run an automated leak check routine that determines the leak rate of the system
connected to the RPM4 active Q-RPT TEST(+) port.
The LEAK CHECK function is provided as a means of checking and quantifying the leaks that
may be present in the system connected to the RPM4’s active Q-RPT test port.
The principle of the LEAK CHECK function is the measurement of the natural decrease or
increase of pressure in a fixed volume over time. The LEAK CHECK function allows a leak
check time to be set. The total pressure change and the average rate of change over the
leak check time are calculated and displayed.
In differential pressure measurement mode (see Section, the leak check
measurement is based on the measurement of the differential pressure.
To run a leak check, first set the pressure to the desired leak check pressure.
Changing the pressure in a test system causes adiabatic temperature changes in the
pressurized medium that need to have dissipated before a valid leak measurement can be
made. In general, a 0.5 to 1 minute wait before running a leak check is adequate to allow
the adiabatic temperature change to dissipate and valid leak measurements to be made.
However, stabilization time may be much longer with liquid test media, and as volume and
pressure increases.
To access the LEAK CHECK function, press [LEAK CHECK] from the MAIN RUN screen.
Select <1run> to run a leak test. The display is:
1. Edit field for the time over which the leak rate will be
determined, in seconds.
Set leak check time:
15 s
Edit the leak check time if desired (minimum 1, maximum 999 seconds) and press [ENT].
Press [ENT] again when ready to start the leak test. The leak test display is:
1. Standard MAIN RUN screen first line showing measured
2. Active Q-RPT position indicator
3. Indication that leak test is running and countdown of time
957.84 kPa a Hi
Leak testing 13 s