Reinitialize Digital I/O
Should the script stop running for any reason, go to Tools > Configure Digital I/O,
then select Reinitialize Digital I/O. This option is only available in live mode.
To remove a digital I/O script from the DMP128:
Only one digital I/O configuration can be active at a time. If the I/O activity needs to be
modified, remove the current configuration by:
1. From the Tools menu, click Configure Digital I/O, then select Remove Digital
I/O Configuration from the Device and press OK.
2. If the DSP Configurator is connected to a device, the I/O configuration will be
removed. If it is not connected, a connection dialog box will appear.
3. Make certain the connection information is correct, then press OK. The I/O
configuration script will be removed and a confirmation dialog box will appear.
Emulate Mode and Live Mode
The DSP Configurator program has two operational modes, Live and Emulate. In live
mode, the program has established a connection and is synced with the DMP128.
Changes affect the device in real-time and changes in the current state of the device
are reflected in the DSP Configurator. In contrast, emulate mode allows the user to
work offline, creating or editing configurations that do not immediately affect DMP128
The DSP Configurator program always starts in Emulate mode. In emulate mode, all
functions of the DSP Configurator program are available without connecting to the
DMP128. The user can build a configuration from the blank screen, or open an existing
file that contains the last configuration displayed plus saved presets. Settings and
adjustments are saved to a configuration file on the PC. When the saved file is opened
in the DSPConfigurator program, the program restores all settings as the current
configuration (emulated if in Emulate mode or live if in Live mode).
Live mode can be entered at any time after program launch, either with a blank
configuration, after creating a configuration, or after loading a previously saved
configuration file.
In emulate mode, the current state is titled Current Emulation. In live mode, the current
state is titled, Current State.
Synchronizing: Pull from or Push to the Device
When switching to live mode, either:
• Pull data from the device and update the DSP Configurator program configuration.
This option downloads device settings from the DMP128 and synchronizes it with the
DSP Configurator program overwriting the current DSPConfigurator settings, or
• Push data from the DSPConfigurator program to the device, overwriting settings in
the DMP128.
Live mode can also be used to tailor audio settings in real time while listening to the audio
DMP128 • Software Control 89