There are two methods of navigation around the GUI:
• Keyboard • Mouse
One element in the GUI will always retain focus. When a new DSP Configurator file is
opened, the upper left element (Output #1 Trim) will be focused by default.
Keyboard Navigation
All GUI elements including mix-points have the ability to receive focus using the tab
and arrow keys or using the arrow keys following a single left-click (see “Keyboard
Navigation” on page98).
Mouse Navigation
Left-click — A single left click brings focus to a processor block, as well as other GUI
elements such as tabs, sliders, check boxes. Other left-click actions follow the Windows
Right-click — A single right click brings up a context menu specific to the processor
block right-clicked. Other right-click actions follow the Windows standard.
Double-click — A double-click will open a dialog box from either the focused or
unfocused state of a GUI element.
DSP Configurator Toolbar Menus
The DSP Configurator contains the following menu bar, arranged horizontally below the
title bar:
• File • Edit • View • Tools • Window • Help
NOTE: New, Open, and Recent Files are unavailable in
Live mode.
• New — Discards the current DSP configuration (after
prompting to save any changes) and opens a blank
configuration file.
• Open — Loads and activates a previously saved DSP
configuration file.
• Save — Saves all changes to the current DSP configuration
file under the current file name. If the file has not previously
been saved, prompts for a file name.
• Save As — Saves all changes to the current DSP configuration file under a new file
• Backup — Transfers all partial presets plus the current configuration to a DSP
configuration file within the DSP Configurator program.
• Recent Files — Opens a list of recently opened or saved DSP configuration files.
• Exit — Closes the DSP Configurator Program.
DMP128 • Software Control 23