DSP Configurator - DMP 128 C
Figure 15. DMP128 Navigation Aids
a Minimize buttons — Click once to toggle the view of a selected section from minimum
to maximum. For example, the Inputs section is maximized with all processor blocks and
mix-points shown. Clicking once on the minimize button would then shrink the view to its
minimum screen area allowing items below to fill the screen.
b Maximize buttons — Click once to toggle the view of a selected section from maximum
to minimum. For example, the Virtual Returns section is minimized with all processor
blocks and mix-points hidden. Clicking once on the maximize button would then expand
the view to its maximum screen area.
c Toolbar — All tools and functions not available on the main screen are found here.
d Scroll Bar — When the sections are maximized such that the screen area takes up more
space than can be displayed at one time, items are pushed down or up and no longer
appear. Use the scroll bar to bring those items back into view.
e Hide Channels — Right-click the channel number to hide a channel that has no device
connected and will not be used in the current configuration.
NOTE: Hidden channels can be shown again using the tools menu and
selecting View>Show All Channels then unchecking the hidden channels.
DMP128 • Software Control 19