house, or for any other reason you need to leave a
zone open. If a component of your security system is
damaged, it can also be bypassed until repairs are
made. Manual bypass arming instructs the control
panel to ignore zones that you designate “open”, so
that the rest of the system can still be armed. (Based
on your instructions, only zones that your installer
has programmed “bypass-enabled” can be bypassed
during manual bypass arming, “auto-bypass
arming or “Stay” arming. Please note that
the fire zone can not be bypassed.)
Press the bypass [
BYP] key, followed by your ACCESS
CODE. You are now in “bypass” mode. The [BYP] key
will be illuminated and if zones are currently
bypassed they will illuminate as well. Enter the key
numbers corresponding to the zones you wish to
"bypass". Press again on the key if you wish to undo
a zone selection.
If you have entered the correct zone bypass informa-
tion, press [
]. The [
] key light will remain “on”
indicating that zones have been bypassed. If you make
an error entering zone numbers, press [
By using the “bypass recall” feature, you can rein-
state the latest zone bypass instructions saved in
memory. Press [BYP] while in “manual bypass arm-
ing” mode and the previous bypass status will be
reestablished. This eliminates the need to enter the
same "bypass" information every time you arm.
Control panel software versions prior to 2.00.
(5) AUTO BYPASS (Away) arming
Control panel software versions prior to 2.00:
If you want to arm the system without manually enter-
ing zones to be bypassed on the keypad, use “Away”
auto-bypass feature. [
] +
hould be
keyed in. The control panel will automatically bypass
any open zones after the exit delay terminates and the
system will be armed. The “
” light does not have
to be on, but all open zones must be “bypass-enabled”.
If any zones have been left open, the [
] light will illu-
minate to indicate that zones have automatically been
bypassed. (The fire zone cannot be bypassed.)
FORCE (Away) arming
Control panel software versions 2.00 and beyond:
To arm the system rapidly without waiting for the “
light, use Force “Away” arming. [
] should be
pressed, followed by a valid access code. Once the exit
delay expires, any open zones will not be considered
“activated” by the panel. Open zones will not be protect-
ed, and will not generate an alarm or prevent arming.
These “Away” zones will be activated (and therefore,
protected) as soon as they are closed. Armed status
is indicated by the [
AWAY] key flashing*. (The fire
zone cannot be force armed.)
On control panel models 728, 728 EXPRESS and 738
EXPRESS using software version 2.1X, key indicated
will not flash, but will be constantly illuminated. Software
versions 2.2X onward, key indicated does not illuminate.
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